The furniture of Vree is designed with the understanding that shape, materials and colors always influence our brain. Research has shown that ‘round shapes’ give us a positive stimulus to our cingulate cortex. This is an area in our brain that is involved in processing emotions and pain. We consider round shapes as ‘beautiful’ and ‘safer’ which leads to an energetic stimulus to our brain. Therefore, we like to work with round shapes!

Also working with natural materials has our preference. We know that the use of wood, plants, wool, stone in our interior are beneficial for our mental and physical health. Vree wants to fade out the line between inside and outside a little more. We are inspired by the minimalist and buddhist Japanese interior style. This style is characterized by peaceful simplicity, adding natural elements and using soft and light colors.

As a result our new editions of the First Call phone chairs are designed with rounder curves and wooden sides. We even made it possible to upholster these chair in a fine leather for an extra classic and natural look.

More articles and research about the influence of round shapes are found on the following links:
